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What is Deregulation ?

What is deregulation?


Deregulation has taken place in many states and provinces throughout North America. It has allowed competitive energy suppliers to enter the markets and offer their energy supply products to consumers. Energy prices are not regulated in these areas and consumers are not forced to receive supply from their utility. In deregulated markets, consumers can choose their supplier, similar to other common household service providers. The marketing of these services is still regulated.


What is regulation?


In certain areas across North America, energy prices remain regulated. This means that all energy providing processes including pricing are governed by a regulatory or government body, with only the local utility able to sell directly to consumers. The utility or government set the prices for natural gas and electricity supply, along with the associated transportation and distribution costs associated with those commodities. Consumers therefore have no choice when it comes to their energy provider. 

The U.S. electric industry is undergoing a sea of change in the way it delivers electricity to millions of households and businesses nationwide. The $220 billion industry, which has been called the last great government-sanctioned monopoly, is slowly but surely being deregulated and opened to competition, giving consumers the power to choose their electricity provider in much the same way they choose telephone carriers.

It's your right to choose!

Competitive rates


You now have options to choose your energy provider which offer consumers competitive pricing.

What does it mean for you?


The utility is still responsible for the distribution of the commodity to your home regardless of the supplier you choose. The supply price however is not set by that same utility. Depending on where you live, you may continue to be billed by your utility with a mention of your supplier, or be billed directly by your supplier. 

No service interruptions


Although your natural gas and/or electricity supply will be coming from a new source, your local utility/distribution company will continue to ensure the consistent delivery of the energy to your home.

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